Why is reading important?

To many, this is a question that is easy to answer. Ask any book lover and they will tell you the wonders of reading Dickens, Austen or Shakespeare. However, what is never really discussed are the reasons why. Book lovers, myself included, tend to forget that the applicable skills we gained from studying literature are

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Why I love swearing

**WARNING** Offensive language is used frequently in the following article (obviously). What a wonderful fucking thing swearing is. As someone who has spent years studying and exploring the English language and admiring all of its intricacies and eccentricities, I still cannot resist using the arsenal of colourful expletives that have been gifted to me through

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Why Do I Write?

An introspective look at why I chose to turn to the pen (or keyboard). Why do we write? It isn’t a question many authors ask themselves or choose to write about. While a select few do delve into their inner psyche and reflect on their addiction to writing, most avoid the question, too busy with

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Living with Autism in 2020

What does it mean to be autistic in the time of Coronavirus? As I sit at home in the May bank holiday sunshine, enjoying the weather and a cool drink, I cannot help but feel the pangs of guilt. My workplace closed on March 23rd when lockdown began and has been operating via rota for

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The A-Bomb: Living with Autism

Before I tell my tale, allow me to fill in some background information. For as long as I can remember I have had issues with my mental health. I have felt anxious or low throughout the majority of my life and have always had anxiety attacks (particularly when taking examinations). However, all of these emotions

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